Workshops accompanying Rein Dufait: "ginder de dingen, de dagen en de wolken"

20 Sep - 30 Nov 2025
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Be-Part Kortrijk
Korte Kapucijnenstraat
8500 Kortrijk



Workshops from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 / 13:00 (other times upon request). Each session includes a 1-hour interactive tour and a 1-hour workshop.


Cost: €60 per group (20 students per group)

Rein Dufait (1990, Ostend) works with a wide range of materials, from cardboard and sand to planks, acrylic paint, and oil pastels. He assembles and combines these elements according to his own unique, intuitive logic. His inspiration comes from the structures, materials, colors, and constructions in his immediate surroundings, such as his studio, blurring the boundaries between sculpture, painting, drawing, and collage.

In these workshops, students will transform everyday objects through material manipulation, resulting in a collaborative installation that brings themes of growth and metamorphosis to life.

Themes: Transformation, Materials, Assemblage, Experiment, Environment, Intuitio

Ages: Kindergarten (4-6 years), Primary school (6-12 years), or Secondary school (12-18 years)

Group size: Max. 20 participants. Larger groups will be split into two.