On the occasion of Kortrijk Art Weekend and WONDER, rhizome_, Be-Part, and Kunst in de Publieke Ruimte present the installation Every Love Story Is a Ghost Story by Pei-Hsuan Wang at rhizome_.
Pei-Hsuan Wang (1987, Taiwan) inhabits the project space rhizome_with a polyphonic tale of belonging and hybridity. Her total installation intertwines reflections on migration, kinship, and the formation of identity with elements drawn from Kortrijk’s regional context.
The installation was previously on view as part of After Paradise: Triennial Kortrijk 2024.
Extra Muros: rhizome_
8500 Kortrijk
During WONDER: Thursday – Sunday: 10:00 – 12:00 / 12:30 – 17:00
During Kortrijk Art Weekend: Saturday – Sunday: 10:00 – 18:00